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How often do I need furnace maintenance in Edwardsville, IL?

furnace maintenance edwardsville il

A furnace that works properly is vital to maintaining the comfort level in your home. The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system should last many years if you take care of the system with proper maintenance. The furnace is a large component of your HVAC system. It has many pipes, parts, and valves that must work together to ensure your furnace operates at top performance. A problem with any part of your furnace could result in costly repairs if the problem is not diagnosed and resolved.

Therefore, we suggest a furnace tune-up at least once per year by an Edwardsville, IL heating contractor at B & W Heating and Cooling.

Benefits of an Annual Inspection for Your Furnace

Three of the top reasons to schedule heating maintenance each year by a professional heating contractor are:

Avoiding Emergency Outages

By scheduling a routine furnace tune-up, a heating contractor may be able to diagnose a problem and complete a repair before an emergency outage occurs. Poor heating maintenance of your furnace can lead to an expensive service call and repair in the middle of winter when temperatures could be life-threatening. It is much safer for you and your family to schedule routine service and maintenance for your furnace.

Efficient Operation

A furnace in disrepair does not operate as efficiently as a properly serviced and maintained furnace. Furnaces become dirty from normal operation and can become cluttered with debris. A routine maintenance and service appointment includes cleaning and lubricating the furnace. A furnace tune-up also includes a thorough inspection of all parts of your furnace to diagnose any potential problems. You can save money on your utility bills when your furnace is operating efficiently.

Reduce Risk of Health

When a furnace is not operating properly because of a defect or a lack of maintenance, the furnace could pose a serious health risk to your family. Proper furnace maintenance and inspections by heating companies can reduce the risk of fire or carbon monoxide poisoning by diagnosing and repairing problems before the furnace becomes a health hazard.

If you have not scheduled a service and maintenance appointment for your furnace, we encourage you to contact our Edwardsville, IL heating company for an appointment. The heating contractors of B & W Heating and Cooling will perform a thorough inspection and a comprehensive maintenance check to ensure your furnace is operating at top efficiency.