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Diagnosing the furnace noise at your Cottage Hills, IL home

Diagnosing The Furnace Noise

Here’s why you’re hearing that strange noise

Whether you’re an HVAC professional or an average Joe, one of the best ways to diagnose problems with your heating and cooling system is by listening to it. In fact, your heating and cooling system should remain relatively quiet when they’re running the best. Furthermore, hearing any unusual or unpleasant noises is a huge sign that something has gone wrong with your system. Read on for more information about what these sounds mean and call your local heating experts for the service and repairs that you need!

Loud Pop/Bang Noises (upon startup)

furnace pop noise cottage hills il Many times, this problem is caused by the accumulation of gas buildup that happens before ignition. When burners get dirty, it will allow gas to build up before igniting it, which causes the loud bang that you’re hearing. This is no small problem, and it could even break some of the components of your system, leading to costly repairs. Contact a professional right away if you start to notice this furnace noise.

Grinding (metal on metal)

furnace rattling noise cottage hills il This is one of the most serious problems that you can have with a heating or cooling system. The screeching sound that you hear most likely denotes a problem with the blower motor or the blower itself. These are not easy DIY fixes, and they may even make a new furnace a more appealing possibility depending on the age of the system. Talk to your heating repair person before making any decisions. However, grinding sounds are never good.


furnace grinding noise cottage hills il The possible causes for a rattling furnace sound can be numerous, and they range from severe to mundane. Most likely, rattling sounds are the result of a loose screw, component, or fitting somewhere within your system. However, if tightening the screws and fittings doesn’t work, you may have a more serious problem on your hand with something inside of the system. HVAC systems aren’t made to last forever, and this rattling problem may be the first sign that something is wrong!


High-pitched whistling or squealing noises could also have multiple causes. First, a squealing noise may mean that there is something wrong with the blower belt. Either it’s off, broken, fraying, or something else, but something is definitely wrong. However, if it seems like more of a whistling noise, it may mean that a small hole has opened in the ductwork and air is escaping. While the air isn’t escaping quickly, the pressure of air being squeezed through a tiny hole could be causing your whistling problems.

While these are some likely causes of the top noises you’ll hear, it may not be the right answer for your problem. The only way to know this is by calling B & W for service in the Cottage Hills, IL Area!